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Title: StagNation: Understanding the New Normal in Employment
Published by: CNM Press
Release Date: April 13, 2016
ISBN13: 978-0989800952


Revolutionary thinking designed to inspire dialogue leading to change was the impetus for Steven Cash Nickerson to write his first book. Nickerson’s aptly titled StagNation chronicled our country’s cascade of troubles, starting with the burst of the real estate bubble in and subsequent unemployment and economic crises.

Updated with a new foreword in 2016, StagNation literally sets readers’ minds ablaze with hardcore truths followed by a wealth of ideas and next steps to restore our country to the once-great nation it was.

StagNation is a must read for anyone looking to learn more about our country’s current economic woes and the hairpin turns we need to take on the road to recovery.


“Astute and compelling with prudent solutions for government, non-profits, job seekers and employers coping with the new normal.
John Visbal, President, East Bay Logistics

“Cash provides a timely and unique perspective for job seekers, employers and employees as they struggle to navigate the new employment.”
David W. Pruitt, Retired Chairman and CEO, Cap Rock Energy

“Cash knows this subject and is a great communicator of insights for all participants in the job market.”
Joe Mancuso, Founder & President,